““Our priority is to offer a bespoke caring personal service designed to make the whole process as smooth and trouble-free as possible.””
We recognize that the Buying and Selling of your home or business property is one of the most important transactions you are likely to make. For this reason we use our very best endeavors to achieve Completion of your transaction within your preferred timescale.
There are a number of factors which will determine how quickly your transaction completes, e.g. the number of transactions in your chain, the complexity of those transactions, how many mortgage offers need to be obtained etc. The average timescale is between six and eight weeks from commencement of a transaction to exchange of contracts and then between two and four weeks from exchange of contracts to completion.
The total average timescale is therefore between eight and twelve weeks from commencement to completion. However this timescale can be quicker or slower depending on the circumstances, e.g. a straightforward freehold sale or purchase with no chain or mortgage required could complete much more quickly according to the wishes of the parties, perhaps within four to six weeks from commencement. On the other hand transactions involving mortgage offers, leasehold properties or new build properties for example are more complex and can take significantly longer to complete - perhaps twelve to sixteen weeks from commencement, again depending on circumstances.
In practice it will be the slowest party in your chain who dictates the timescale for everyone else although in exceptional circumstances one of these parties in a chain may move into temporary accommodation or take out bridging finance in order to speed things up.
Whatever the chain circumstances apply in your case we will constantly monitor the likely timescales for your transaction and advise you immediately if we become aware of matters which could cause delay.
The precise details of the work we do for you will of course vary according to the circumstances. However the KEY STAGES involved in a typical sale and purchase transaction can be summarised as follows:
1. Taking your instructions and obtaining your identification and address verification details.
2. Obtaining your title documents, preparing draft contract and sending these documents to your Purchaser’s Solicitor.
3. Sending you a Sellers Property Information Form and Fittings and Contents Form to complete and then sending these to your Purchaser’s Solicitor.
4. Dealing with any enquiries raised by your Purchaser’s Solicitor.
5. Arranging for the Sale Contract to be signed when approved.
6. Agreeing a completion date and exchanging contracts. This is when the sale becomes legally binding.
7. Making all necessary pre-completion arrangements and checks including arranging for the Transfer Deed to be signed.
8. On completion receiving the sale money, paying off all mortgages and charges secured on your property, paying your Estate Agent if applicable and accounting to you for the net proceeds.
1. Taking your instructions and obtaining your identification and address verification details.
2. Applying for your Local Search (and any other relevant searches) as soon as practicable.
3. Checking the Contract, title and information forms which are received from your Seller’s Solicitor.
4. Sending any relevant additional enquiries to your Seller’s Solicitor.
5. Advising you on all documents including your mortgage offer if applicable and other relevant information received prior to you signing the Purchase Contract. Checking to ensure that your finances are in place to fund the purchase.
6. Agreeing a completion date and exchanging contracts. This is when the purchase becomes legally binding.
7. Making all necessary pre-completion arrangements searches and checks including if applicable obtaining the mortgage money from your lender.
8. On completion sending the purchase money to your Seller’s Solicitor and ensuring the property keys are released to you.
9. After completion completing your Land Transaction Return online and paying any relevant Stamp Duty.
10. Registering your title ownership and mortgage if applicable at the land registry and sending you copies of title documents as soon as they are available.
Our fees are only charged on a Fixed Fee basis so that you know exactly what to expect from the outset of your transaction.
Please refer to the Fees section of this website for further details.
For more help or information please get in touch.